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Q: What three ingredients are needed to make Goopy Slmie?
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What three ingredients are used to make Goopy Slime?

snout, mucous green food coloring

What three ingredients are needed to make 'goopy slime'?

Glue, water, and BORAX laundry detergent are needed to make Goopy Slime. If you want to add food coloring you can make it different colors.

What three ingreidients are needed to make goopy slime?

2 Cups Water 1/2 Cup Cornstarch Food Coloring

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What three ingredients are neded to make goopy slime?

Mix 1 teaspoon borax in 1 cup of warm / hot water. Stir until the borax is dissolved. In a separate container, mix 1/2 cup (4 oz) white glue with 1/2 cup steaming hot water. Add food coloring, if desired and mix well. Pour glue mixture into borax mixture and stir vigorously.

What are three ingredients in magma and lava?

Molten Rock, Liquid At Temperatures From 700 °C to 1,200 °C (1,300 °F to 2,200 °F) And A Volcano But There Are Many Other Things Used Too But You Only Needed Three

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