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Q: What term for excellent cookery is derived from a Blue Ribbon worn by members of a French Order of Knighthood?
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Are shared derived traits found in members of the in group of a clade?

Yes, shared derived traits are found in members of the in-group of a clade. These traits are characteristics that are unique to the members of that specific clade and are inherited from a common ancestor. Shared derived traits help define the relationships within the clade and distinguish its members from those of other groups.

Who is a knight's relatives?

Knighthood was usually not hereditary. This meant that technically, anyone could be made a knight. Usually, the people who trained for knighthood were sons of noble families, and so most knights were members of the nobility, but there were exceptions. Some people were not trained to be knights, but were simply given knighthood as an honor because of some great deed, and in such cases the relatives could be anyone from kings to peasants. There is a record of a very large number of otherwise ordinary women being given knighthood after they fought in a battle in Catalonia. They were made members of an order created for them, called the Order of the Hatchet.

What are characteristics that are shared by members of a clade and only by members of that clade?

Derived Characteristics.

Is it true that a derived class inherits all the members of its base class?

False. A derived class inherits the public and protected members of its base class. Private members of the base class cannot be inherited.

What do you mean by protected derivation of a sub class from base class?

When you derive a class (the sub-class) from a base class using protected access, all public members of the base class become protected members of the derived class, while protected members of the base class will remain protected. Private members are never inherited so they remain private to the base class. By contrast, if you use public inheritance, the public members of the base class remain public to the derived class, while protected members of the base class remain protected in the derived class. If you use private inheritance, both the public and protected members of the base class become private to the derived class. Note that accessibility cannot be increased, only reduced or left the same. That is, a protected member of a base class cannot be inherited as a public member of a derived class -- it can only be declared private or remain protected. Note also that accessibility is viewed from outside of the derived class. That is, all members of a base class other than the private members are inherited by the derived class and are therefore fully accessible to the derived class. But from outside of the derived class, all base class accessibility is determined by the access specified by the type of inheritance.

Define protected in c plus plus?

Protected members are like private members, but are also accessible to derived classes.

What has the author Carolyn Matthews Squires written?

Carolyn Matthews Squires has written: 'Favorite recipes of Tabernacle Choir members' -- subject(s): Cookery

What is public derivation in object-oriented programming?

Public derivation or public inheritance means that all the public members of the base calls are declared public in the derived class while the protected members remain protected. Protected inheritance means all the public members of the base class are declared protected in the derived class, as are the protected members. Private inheritance means all the public and protected members of the base class are declared private in the derived class. Private members of the base class are never inherited and are therefore unaffected by inheritance. Note that regardless of the type of inheritance specified, individual non-private members of the base class can be inherited with public or protected access as required of the derived class. The type of inheritance can be therefore be thought of as being the default inheritance for all base class members which can (optionally) be overridden for specific members where required.

Which base class member functions are not inherited by a derived class?

Derived classes only inherit the protected and public members of their base classes. Private member functions cannot be inherited by a derived class.

What are Public and Private inheritance in c plus plus?

Public, protected and private inheritance determine how the public and protected base class members are inherited by the derived class. Private members are never inherited and are therefore unaffected by the type of inheritance (they remain private to the base class). The following table summarises how inheritance affects accessibility of base class members with respect to the derived class: public inheritanceprotected inheritanceprivate inheritancepublic member of base classpublic member of derived classprotected member of derived classprivate member of derived classprotected member of base classprotected member of derived classprotected member of derived classprivate member of derived classprivate member of base classprivate member of base classprivate member of base classprivate member of base class Note that accessibility to individual public and protected base class members can be overridden within the derived class, regardless of the type of inheritance specified.

What are characteristics that apear in recent parts of a lineage but not in its older members?

Its called derived characters

What was the role of a page?

They were young boys training for knighthood. A page could become a squire, then potentially a knight. In the U.S. Congress, volunteers can become congressional pages and assist members of Congress.