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For germination the lowest mean daily temperature is about 10°C, with 18 to 20°C being optimum. The crop is very sensitive to frost, particularly in the seedling stage but it tolerates hot and dry atmospheric conditions so long as sufficient water is available to the plant and temperatures are below 45°C.

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50-75 cm of well distributed rainfall is required.

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Rice requires a paddy cultivation which means the field needs to be flooded during growth. This is usually done using irrigation methods rather than direct rainfall.

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Q: What temperature is required for maize crop?
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What type of crop maize is?

Maize is another word for corn.

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It is an annual crop.

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The Maize god story in Mesoamerican mythology often involves a maize deity who sacrifices themselves to provide corn for the people. This sacrifice symbolizes the planting of maize seeds, which then grow to sustain the community. Through this narrative, the Maize god story is connected to the maize crop cycle, reflecting the dependence of the people on the successful growth and harvest of maize for their survival.

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The homophone for "maze" is "maize," which refers to corn.

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maize. pretty much corn

What is a sentence using maize?

I hope I have a good crop of maize this year. The maize field is right next to the corn field maze.

What was the first crop domesticated in mesoamerica?

The first crop domesticated in Mesoamerica was maize, also known as corn. Maize cultivation was a significant development in the region and became a staple food for many indigenous cultures.