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200 C or 400 F worked well for us tonight, timing depends on thickness of fries/chips - keep an eye on them through the window! A, T & t

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Q: What temperature do you cook fries from a fresh potato at?
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How do you make a potato explode into fries?

you just need to cut it up and put in something to cook it and you got you answer to hoe to make a potato explode an make fries

How long would you cook frozen sweet potato fries at 400 degrees?

you can't cool it

Is baking a potato endothermic or exothermic?

Baking a potato is an endothermic process because it requires the input of heat to cook the potato. The heat from the oven is absorbed by the potato to raise its temperature and cook it through.

How many calories in 10 french fries?

The number of calories in 40 French fries depend on how they are prepared, what size they are, and what brand they are. Fries that are baked have less calories than fries that are fried for example.

How do you cook yucca that is sold in grocery stores?

AnswerYou peal it, remove the thin central fibrous spine, and boil it like potato. You can also fry them like french fries or potato chips.

Why do french fries cook faster than whole potatoes?

Because the smaller potato has less to cook than the bigger potato so there for the bigger potato has to be cooked more because the heat cant get in the potato as quickly as It can get in a small potato

Why do thin french fries cook faster than thick fries?

Because there's less volume to cook.

How long and what temperature to cook a 35 lb fresh turkey in a convection oven?

12 minutes

How do you cook potato peels?

You can fry or bake them. Fried potato peels are like potato chips. Ensure they are clean before you cook them.

How are shoestring fries made?

Everyone will make shoestring fries differently, but there are some basics. One would need to cut a potato into super thin strings. This could be done with a mandoline. Once that is done, one can put whatever spices they wish and cook them in the oven or deep fryer.

How do you cook a potato called apache?

same as any potato

What do they use to cook American food?

they use fries