A convection oven has a fan. A regular oven doesn't. Convection is the process whereby air flow allows for heat to be transferred from one surface to another.
A convection oven contains a fan that a regular oven does not. This fan blows the air around inside the convection oven, setting up artificial convection currents that cause the temperature of the air throughout the convection oven to equalize, eliminating hot and cold spots that may be present in a regular oven. Convection ovens can usually bake or roast faster than regular ovens and do it more evenly.
A convection oven contains a fan that a regular oven does not. This fan blows the air around inside the convection oven, setting up artificial convection currents that cause the temperature of the air throughout the convection oven to equalize, eliminating hot and cold spots that may be present in a regular oven. Convection ovens can usually bake or roast faster than regular ovens and do it more evenly.
The difference is in the features. A regular microwave only features the normal microwave functions. However, a convection microwave oven also has a built-in convection oven in it.
A convection microwave oven combines microwave heating with a fan and heating element to bake, roast, and crisp food, while a regular microwave oven only uses microwaves to heat and reheat food quickly. Convection microwaves offer more cooking versatility, while regular microwaves are best for simple heating tasks. Read More
Convection ovens have a fan in order to move the heat inside providing faster and more even cooking.
A convection oven has a fan installed - to circulate the hot air that builds up. The use of the fan means the oven doesn't create 'cold spots' and thus the food cooks evenly. This speeds up cooking time - making the oven more cost-effective. A 'regular' oven has no fan, and thus has uneven temperatures throughout the cooking compartment.
A convection oven moves the air, a microwave does not.
convection oven :)
A convection oven is similar to a regular oven but it has a fan that circulates air around the food and it pulls moisture out of the oven to make the cupcakes browner and crisper. You should lower the temperature by 25 degrees and shorten the time to bake. But yes you can bake cupcakes.
is a oven a radiation convection or conductin
is a oven a radiation convection or conductin
The most common type of oven is a convection oven.