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73 degrees C

that's the temperature were the bacteria die

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140 Fahrenheit

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At least 140f.

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Q: What kind of temperature destroys most bacteria?
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What is the ideal tempreture zone for bacteria to multiply?

The ideal temperature zone for bacteria to multiply is between 40°F (4°C) and 140°F (60°C). This range is known as the "temperature danger zone" because bacteria multiply most rapidly at these temperatures, increasing the risk of foodborne illness. Temperature control is important in preventing bacterial growth in food.

What are the two most important factors to control the growth of bacteria?

Temperature and hygiene.

What temperature can bacteria rest in?

Depends on the bacteria, most bacteria in our body is ok at 98.6 degrees. so by the body elevating our temps with fever we try to kill the bacteria.

Why doesn't the 48-50 degree Celsius of the melted agar killed most ofthe bacteria?

The temperature range of 48-50 degrees Celsius is not high enough to kill most bacteria because many bacteria have evolved to survive in a wide range of temperatures. Agar itself also has a protective effect on bacteria, which can help some bacteria survive at higher temperatures. To effectively kill most bacteria, a higher temperature or a longer exposure time would be needed.

What temperature kills the most bacteria?

High temperatures kill the most bacteria. These temperatures should be at least 160 degrees Fahrenheit in foods like many meats.

What temperature range kills bacteria?

Bacteria are typically killed when exposed to temperatures above 140°F (60°C). This temperature range is considered the threshold at which most bacteria are effectively destroyed. It's important to note that the exact temperature and duration required to kill specific types of bacteria may vary.

What temperature does bacteria thrive in food tech?

Any temperature less than around 60 °C for most bacteria. However, there are bacteria in food that can survive past 100 °C. Freezing does not significantly kill bacteria, but puts it into a dormant stage, where they can no longer thrive and reproduce.

What temperature are most pathogenic bacteria?

in 5 degree c to 40 degree c

Will freezing a germ kill it?

the answer is yes. this is because the decreasing temperature would cause most of the bacteria cells to die and eventually the bacteria would die.

Is it possible to survive for a bacteria in 1000 degree temperature?

No, most bacteria cannot survive in 1000 degree temperature as they typically cannot withstand extreme heat. Such high temperatures would denature proteins and destroy cell structures, leading to the bacteria's death.

Bacteria that cause disease in humans live at what temperature?

The average temperature for a human will be the same temperature the bacteria are likely to flourish at which is about 37 degrees celsius or 98 degrees fahrenheit. However, these bacteria can often survive at a variety of temperatures around this mark, often reaching an optimum temperature a few degrees above this.

At what tenperature is bacteria most active?

Bacteria are most active at temperatures between 20°C and 40°C, with their growth rate increasing as temperature rises within this range. However, the specific temperature range for optimal bacterial activity can vary depending on the type of bacteria.