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AKITA KOMACHI RICEOne of the two japonica (medium-grain) rice varieties favored by the Japanese for sushi, along with koshihikari. Both types are not limited to cultivation in Japan, and are grown in California and elsewhere. AMERICAN RICEThanks to technology that has eliminated the human labor factor in rice-growing, the U.S. is the world's 12th largest exporter of rice. Arkansas, northern California and Texas are leading growers, with mega-farms that use laser technology from scaling the fields to removing broken grains from the milled rice. As opposed to dozens of human laborers, fields are seeded by airplane, and harvested by a single combine operator, followed by a tractor alongside it that receives the harvested rice and delivers it to waiting trailers. Most domestic rice grown (60%) is consumed domestically as table rice, in restaurants or into food products: made into beer, rice mixes and pet food. Some is exported as well: California alone exports some 400,000 tons of rice to Japan, South Korea and Taiwan in Asia; Turkey, Syria and Jordan in the Middle East; and throughout the Pacific, South America and Europe. ARBORIO RICEThis medium-length, round-grained rice is named after the town of Arborio, in Italy's Po Valley, where it is grown. The grains have a more tan color with a characteristic white dot at the center of the grain. Primarily used in risotto, Arborio rice develops a creamy texture around a chewy center and has exceptional ability to absorb flavors. The creaminess comes from a high starch content. Arborio is a japonica cultivar, the same variety that produces the other "sticky rices," including mochi and sweet rice. See another photo of arborio rice in the group photo on the next page. See alsocarnaroli rice and vialone nano.

Arborio rice. Photo by Davide Guglielmo | SXC.

AROMATIC RICEAromatic rices have a flavor and aroma similar to that of roasted nuts or popcorn. The better-known aromatic rices are the long-grain rices basmati and jasmine but any size grain can be an aromatic. The natural compound that provides the aroma and flavor is present in all rice, but is present in much higher concentrations in the aromatic varieties. ASIAN RICEThis is an ambiguous term: Almost all of the rice we use today originated in Asia, although rice is now grown in most countries on earth. See specific listings for popular Asian varieties: basmati rice from India and Pakistan, jasmine rice from Thailand, kalijira rice from Bangladesh, etc. Also see japonica rice, which does not refer to Japanese rice but to all medium-grain rice. BALDO RICEA favorite rice in Turkish cuisine, baldo is a thick, short-grain rice that is used to make creamy risotto-type dishes; but it can be used in any recipe. The grains are stickier than other rice varieties that are used for risotto: arborio, carnaroli and vialone nano. A member of the Japonica family of rices, the species was created by crossing the Arborio rice with the Stirpe 136 rice variety. It is classified as superfine rice. Baldo is a favorite of professional chefs because it cooks faster than these other varieties. Its plump, crystalline grains keep their shape at high cooking temperatures and are suitable for any kind of rice recipe.

Baldo rice. Photo courtesy

Baldo is grown in Italy, Turkey, Vietnam and elsewhere, including small amounts in the U.S.

BAMBOO RICEBamboo rice is a short-grain rice infused with fresh bamboo juice. It is moist and viscous when cooked, lending itself to sticky rice applications. (See photo on next page.) BASMATI RICEAn aromatic, long-grain, slender, non-glutinous rice from India and Pakistan. When cooked it swells only lengthwise, resulting in long slender grains that are very dry, light and separate-not sticky. Basmati has been cultivated for centuries at the foot of the Himalayan mountain ranges. The rice is long-grain and scented; literally translated from Hindi, it means "queen of scents" or "pearl of scents." For centuries, it has been exported to the Arab countries, where many traditional rice dishes are cooked with basmati rice. See another photo of basmati rice on the next page.

Basmati rice. Photo by Brandon W. Mosley | SXC.

BHUTANESE RED RICEA short-grain rice grown at 8,000 feet in the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan, and the chief rice in the Bhutanese diet. It is irrigated with a 1,000-year-old glacier rich in trace minerals, that provides a nutty/earthy flavor. It has a beautiful red russet color when harvested, that turns pinker when cooked; the cooked texture is soft. A long-grain red rice is also grown-see the photo in the chart on the next page.

Photo courtesy of Jugalbandi.Info.

BLACK RICE or FORBIDDEN RICEBlack in color when raw, deep purple when cooked, black rice was once reserved for the ancient Chinese emperors, earning it the name "forbidden rice." It has a deep, nutty taste-you can detect chocolate notes-and is high in fiber. It is rich in amino acids and high in vitamins and minerals such as iron, potassium and magnesium. It pairs beautifully with all cuisines and can be enjoyed steamed plain, in a pilaf, stir-fried or with salad. It makes a spectacular Thai rice pudding with coconut milk. Unlike other black rices from Asia, "forbidden rice" is not glutinous or rough. An organic variety is available from Lotus Foods and other purveyors. According to Lotus Foods, a specialist in exotic rices, Chinese scientific research indicates that black rice is beneficial to the kidneys, spleen, stomach, eyes and blood circulation.

Black rice. Photo by Hannah Kaminsky | THE NIBBLE.

BLACK JAPONICA® RICEBlack japonica rice is a spicy aromatic rice that was developed in California from Japanese seeds, by Lundberg Family Farms. It is actually a combination of two rices grown in the same field: an Asian black short-grain rice and a medium-grain, whole grain mahogany (brown) rice (you can see a photo in the chart on the next page). When cooked, the rice provides a juicy texture, a nutty, mushroom-like flavor and an exotic sweet spiciness. It pairs well with hearty meats and game, in stuffings, casseroles and with stir-fried foods. See photo of black japonica rice in the group photo on the next page. BOMBA RICEThe finer of the two types of rice grown around the town of Calasparra in the Murcia region of Spain. It is the perfect rice for Paella. The basic difference between Bomba rice and others from Calasparra that were bred from it is that Bomba expands in width like an accordion rather than longitudinally, as do other rice strains. It is very labor-intensive and had almost died out, but was saved by the interest of the world's best chefs. Bomba differs from Italian Arborio rice, which is bred to be creamy, and Asian rice, which is meant to be sticky. Like regular Calasparra rice, Bomba absorbs three times its volume in broth (rather than the normal two), yet the grains remain distinct.

Bomba rice available from

BOTAN RICEA brand of glutinous rice. BROWN RICE or HULLED RICE
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In Botany, hybrid variety are plant resulting from crossing, a plant produced from a cross between two plants with different genetic constituents.Hybrids from crosses between crop varieties are often stronger and produce better yields than the original stock.There are tens of hundreds of rice crop varieties. Most are original varieties native in their original locations but imported to other countries. Some are hybrid rice variety, such as the cross between a specie of grass that resistant to drought and rice, in order to create a variety of rice that survives in rain or irrigation starved farms.In short, not all rice are hybrid, but there are hybrid rice.

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Rice plants have 24 chromosomes in their cells. This number is the same for most cultivated varieties of rice.

How many grains of rice are in 7oz?

There is no simple answer since different varieties of rice have grains of different size.

What is the difference between upland and lowland rice?

If you are talking about Asian rice, it is all the same species, just different varieties. In fact there are 1000's of varieties of rice grown in both upland and lowland systems. Lowland rice is grown in fields that can be flooded and they are either rain-fed or irrigated. Upland rice is grown without flooding usually on hillsides in more mountainous regions. Different countries and regions have their own preferences for varieties of rice.

What is difference between brown rice and wild rice?

Brown rice is a whole grain rice that is produced by removing only the outermost layer of the rice kernel, whereas wild rice is not actually a type of rice but a seed of aquatic grass. Wild rice has a chewier texture and a nuttier flavor compared to brown rice. Additionally, wild rice has more protein and fiber content than brown rice.

What is dinorado rice?

Dinorado in Philippine Market that has a variety of un-husked rice that is very aromatic and usually more expensive than other rice varieties from the Philippines.

What is scientific name of paddy?

Oryza sativa is the scientific name for rice in general.Different rice has different names. For example, Red rice will have a different name when compared to white rice.

What is the difference between normal rice and golden rice?

Golden rice produces significantly more beta-carotene (a precursor of vitamin A) than other varieties of rice. The beta-carotene also gives golden rice its distinctive color.

What is the Amylose content of rice?

The amylose content of rice can vary depending on the variety, but typically ranges from 10-20%. Some varieties, like long-grain rice, tend to have lower amylose content while others, like short-grain rice, can have higher amylose content.

What is Egg Curry eaten with?

This egg curry goes well with butter naan, roti, plain paratha , plain rice or flavored rice like jeera rice, biryani rice, pulao, coconut rice, coconut milk rice or any biryani varieties.