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Q: What is the procedure for cooling stock?
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What is the correct cooling procedure for hot soup?

The correct cooling procedure for hot soup is to place it in a shallow container, stir it occasionally, and then refrigerate it promptly to prevent bacterial growth.

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What is the main reason an organisation has a procedure for stock control?

so they do not get ripped off

What is one procedure to aid in cooling an aircraft engine that is overheating?

It would help to enrich the fuel mixture.

What is the procedure for listing on the Uganda Stock Exchange?

CALL 256 774 810 300

What are the procedure for joining stock exchange market?

A company would have to give out an Initial Public Offering or IPO in order to join a stock exchange market

Why is my car overheating after cooling system flush?

Probably still has air trapped in the system from an improper refill procedure.

What is the cooling system refill procedure for a 1988 Buick Regal?

A 50/50 mixture of antifreeze and distilled water.

What is the standard temp on 91 Mercury Capri?

usually 170 to 175 degrees on the stock cooling system

What is the procedure in preparing clear chicken soup that doesn't look cloudy?

To not have cloudy soup, you must have a great stock or broth that is not cloudy. All your soups will depend on the quality of your stock or broth.

Where can I buy a cheap cooling fan?

You can buy a cheap cooling fan at your local Walmart, Target or Home Depot. You can also purchase them online at or Local resale stores might also have them in stock.