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Q: What is the oxidation of food to produce energy?
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What does mitochondria do in an animal cell?

the mitochondrion is responsible for the final oxidation of food to produce ATP ( energy) thus the name power house of the cell

How is energy in food release?

Through oxidation.

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How do plants and animal cells get energy from food?

Through oxidation of food by respiration

How is the heat energy required to heat the body?

by food oxidation

What are the similarities in the way uranium and hydrogen produce energy?

No similarities: - uranium: energy released by fission - hydrogen: energy released by oxidation

What does oxidation of a primary alcohol produce?

Minimal oxidation will produce an aldehyde, stronger oxidation will produce a carboxylic acid, and complete oxidation will produce carbon dioxide and water.

Why is oxygen is important in using up the nutrients of the food?

All your energy comes from the oxidation of your food.

How do oxygen produce energy when there no light?

Through oxidation. That is to say, a chemical reaction that involves oxygen.

Which part of the of the cell gives energy and how?

Energy is given by mitochondria. It generates energy through respiration.

What do produces produce?

Producers produce energy, to put it simply. Food chains and webs are all about the flow of energy and who's getting energy from where. Since producers are at the bottom of food pyramids, they essentially produce energy.

How and why do plants produce vegetable oil?

Plants produce vegetable oil by beta-oxidation. Since oil is more concentrated form of biological energy plants produce oil for better metabolism.