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Simmering is done at higher temperatures than a submerged poach, and can use less tender food items and larger portions.

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Q: What is the main difference between submerged poaching and simmering?
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Boiling is food cooked in liquid that is at or just below the boiling point of water (212ºF, 100ºC, depending on altitude as altitude variables change the temperature required for water to boil). Simmering is food cooked in liquid that is below the boiling point of water, but higher than poaching temperature. To keep a pot simmering, bring to a boil and then reduce the heat to a point where the formation of steam bubbles has all but ceased, usually a water temperature of around 200ºF, 94ºC (this temperature also varies as well).

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With direct simmering, the food is immersed in slowly boiling liquid and cooked until it is done. With indirect steaming, the food is place on a rack above the boiling liquid and cooked by the steam from that liquid.

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Poaching is illegal hunting. The difference? One is illegal, one isn't. Generally it would be illegal, because the animal is endangered, or you are hunting on private property.

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The term that describes the upward force that acts on an object submerged in a fluid is called buoyant force. This force is a result of the pressure difference between the top and bottom of the submerged object, pushing it upward.

When the pressure of the bottom of a submerged object is less than the pressure at the top of the submerged object a buoyant force is produced?

greater than

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when the voids of soil are just filled by water the soil mass is called saturated and when soil mass is submerged in water means the water level is above the the soil level or soil mass is drowned in water then soil mass is called submerged.

Why is there an upward force on objects in fluid?

Gravity pulls both the fluid and the submerged object downward. The difference between the gravitational attractive forces on the fluid and the submerged object describes the upward (buoyant) force that the fluid exerts on the object.

Why does the boyant force on submerged object not acting sideways?

Because there is no difference between the fluid pressure on the left sidecompared to the fluid pressure on the right side.