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For all practical purposes, computers of all types are part and parcel of modern day business and government as well. Record keeping, various types of business analysis and projections are all done with computers.

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Q: What is the importance of computers in the day to day operations of people?
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When is IT or technology appreciation day?

A day when people smash their computers to repress the ai formed by their computers.

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Importance of the ComputerIndustryThe computerindustry has revolutionised all the other sectors in the world, making business processes faster, more efficient, and less costly. Wherever you look, one will see the benefits and importance of computers in people's day-to-day lives. In other words, life has been more convenient with the introduction of computers and the Internet. Humanity has taken a great leap from how things were in the olden days. Moreover, living in this planet has been much easier, better than how it was some thousand years ago.

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What do you think about current IT industry?

I think the IT industry is fairly strong. I've been working in it for 16 years. Computers are more common than they were then. People are relying on them more for day to day operations. Computers continue to change, evolve, improve, both hardware and software. I would say it is a field that will continue to need workers for a long time. The economy seems to be on an upswing, which is good for IT.

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How are computers used in government?

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What country did D Day operations from?

The D-Day operations all came from England.

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I love "olden day". Just what do you mean by that term. Do you mean computers from 10 years ago, 20 years ago,etc.

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The main goal of retail management is to keep the day to day operations of the store running smoothly. Retail managers need to train new associates, make orders, and provide customer service.

What are the major draw backs of computers?

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