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The top because heat rises (convection)

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Q: What is the hottest part of the oven?
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Which position on an oven shelf is the hottest?

The bottom rack of the oven is the hottest in most electric and gas ovens. With that said, if you have an in oven broiler then you would use the top or middle racks for the hottest spot in the oven.

Why the hottest part of an oven is the top?

The top of the oven is usually the hottest because that's where the heating element is located. The element radiates heat downward, creating a hot spot at the top of the oven. Additionally, hot air rises, further contributing to the top being the hottest part.

Which is the hottest part of an arm?

Armpit is the hottest part.

What is the hottest part of the flame?

The blue part of a flame is the hottest.

What is the hottest part of an oven?

What kind of oven are you talking about? An incubator? Most in-home kitchen ovens range from 500-550 degrees C, while commercial ovens for melting iron and steel go from 2500-3000 degrees C. The hottest ovens i have ever heard of is an Electric Arc Oven. These ovens use the heat of an electric arc between two carbon electrodes, all encased in something like ceramic. These ovens can reach temperatures at and just above 5000 degrees C, the melting point of tungsten! Think about it. The center a of a welding arc is estimated to be around 20,000 degrees C! IN CASE I'M WRONG YOU'D BEST NOT PUT THESE ANSWER IN ANY TEST. The're off the top of my head.

What is the hottest part of an internal combustion engine?

Hottest part is the piston crown....

What is the hottest part in Maryse body body?

the hottest part in Maryse body is all.

What is the hottest part of the sun called?

The hottest part of the Sun is the core, where nuclear fusion reactions take place, generating intense heat and energy. Temperatures in the core can reach up to 15 million degrees Celsius.

When igniting propane what part of its flame is hottest?

My teacher taught me it was the hottest at the end of the blue part of the flame.

What is the hottest part of the year in England?

(summer) the hottest part of the day is 12 - 3:30 in the after noon. xx

Is the Sun's core its hottest point?

the sun's core is the hottest part of the sun

What is the hottest part of an Bunsen burner?

Near the tip of a blue flame is the hottest.