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Q: What is the advantage of using a toaster oven over using a full sized oven when baking small food items?
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Toaster Oven Basics?

How a Toaster Oven WorksA toaster oven uses electrically heated coils in order to cook food in much the same way as a regular convection oven. By plugging the oven into a standard outlet, you have a handy appliance right on your countertop that is perfect for small meals or other quick items. A standard toaster oven features two control knobs; one sets the temperature for baking and one counts down the cooking time or keeps the oven turned on. You can choose whether to bake or broil your food. The advantages to using a toaster oven instead of a a full-sized oven are that it doesn't heat up the house as much, takes up less space, uses less power, and needs less time to preheat. It does not cook as fast as a microwave oven, but cooks foods more naturally.Common Uses for a Toaster OvenFoods cooked in a toaster oven generally require less cook time because the heat is more direct. Because the heat source is in close proximity to the food, however, it is important to make sure to watch it carefully, and it may be necessary to turn the food while cooking. Following are a few ideas for which you might use a toaster oven:Toasting bread or bagelsHeating pre-made wafflesMelting cheese on top of foodHeating up a frozen individual mealBaking a few cookiesBroiling fishRoasting vegetables with oil and garlic.Caring for Your Toaster OvenThe toaster oven will get hot quickly, so you need to make sure the area around the oven is clear of objects that may be sensitive to heat such as paper or plastic items, and that the oven is pulled away from walls or other appliances. Do not place anything on top of the toaster oven, especially when it is turned on. After using the oven, wipe out any spilled food or crumbs to avoid burning. As a safety precaution, it is advisable to unplug your toaster oven when it is not in use: just remember to plug it back in before you use it the next time.

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The price of baking soda can vary depending on the brand, quantity, and location where it is purchased. On average, a standard-sized box of baking soda typically costs around $1 to $2 in most grocery stores.

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Household items that may weigh around 10kg include dumbbells, bags of rice or flour, medium-sized portable heaters, small washing machines, or medium-sized pets like some breeds of dogs or cats.

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A king size will fit a queen with some extra hanging off the sides of the bed. This might be an advantage if you share the bed with a cover stealer.

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Some common items at home that weigh around 18 kg include a medium-sized suitcase, a small washing machine, or a medium-sized pet.

What common household items measure half inch?

a regular sized sharpie at the biggest end is 1/2inch

Are there any millimeter sized items?

Yes, there are. Pin heads, black mustard seeds are 1 mm across.