Yves Rocher - company - was created in 1959.
Yves Rocher died on 2009-12-26.
The population of Yves Rocher - company - is 13,000.
Yves Rocher recently opened its first two retail stores in the Philippines - in SM North Edsa - The Block and SM Southmall.
Yves Rocher is known for their beauty products. They have a high end line of cosmetics and fragrances. They also offer high end hair care and skin care products.
Yves Rocher France can be contacted by telephone at (001)450-442-9555x2158 or by sending mail to La Croix des Archers Cedex, La Gacilly,, 56201 France.
Yves Saint Laurent was born on August 1, 1936.
Yves Rocher makes a new flower lotion. They also make make up and face care products. They are also offering a one month promotion for their products.
Yves Rocher has a very numerous amount of items for sale including many beauty products like make up, and several skin care products like lotions, and creams for your everyday use.
yes it is .yvesrocherusa.com/control/main?shopId=SEO_G&gclid=CJCptNb3q6UCFQULbAodYh--Zw
NO. Any product should not be used after the date of expiry.