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What is structure when cooking? Make sure the kitchen is clean first, then get out what you will use to cook with. Put aside your seasoning, cut your onions, vegetables if using these and then start working on your meat. This is what I do, as I use each utensil I wash it right away so when I am finished putting my meal in the oven or on top of the stove everything is already washed and put away. I have to cook this way or I feel out of place.

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Cooking beans can break down glycoproteins due to the heat and acidic conditions. The heat denatures the protein structure, causing it to unfold, while the acidity can disrupt the glycosidic bonds in the glycoproteins. This can lead to a loss of function and altered structure in the glycoproteins.

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Can the molecular structure of potatoes be changed by extensive beating or cooking etc and if so what is the end result?

Not by extensive beating (that will change the physical structure but not the molecular one) By extensive cooking you can 'burn' the molecules which means that you have oxidized them. Usually it means that you have added O2 to the Carbon structures of the sugars and starches that are found in potatoes In cooking terms this is called caramelizing. If you take this even further to the stage of actually burning it you are oxidizing the sugars/starches even more and can eventually make ash and CO2.

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Cooking food is an irreversible process. When food is cooked, chemical and physical changes occur that alter the structure, flavor, and nutritional content of the ingredients, making it impossible to return the food to its original raw state.

What is the real definition of unsaturated hydrocarbons?

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Cooking is not considered amphipathic because amphipathic refers to molecules that have both hydrophilic (water-attracting) and hydrophobic (water-repelling) regions. Cooking involves the application of heat to food ingredients, which causes various chemical reactions and physical changes in the food, but it does not inherently change the molecular structure of the food to make it amphipathic.

Which is a chemical change adding milk or cooking the eggs?

Cooking the eggs is a chemical change because the heat alters the molecular structure of the egg proteins, causing them to denature and coagulate. Adding milk to the eggs is a physical change because the milk remains unchanged in composition and simply mixes with the eggs.