in bit stuffing we use data in bits !! in byte stuffing we use char !! thus in byte stuffing first char and converted in binary form and then bit stuffing is applied on it
The kitten is tearing the stuffing out of the sofa.I want both kinds of stuffing, please!
It is important to cover stuffing (dressing) while cooking it. One of the important ingredients to a good stuffing is water, and therefore, it can dehydrate making for a dry stuffing. If cooking stuffing, whether in a container by itself or inside a turkey, cover with aluminum foil. Also, if cooking the stuffing inside the turkey, be sure to baste the stuffing exposed while basting the turkey.
Yes, you can safely freeze stuffing, before or after it is cooked.
The duration of Dream Stuffing is 1800.0 seconds.
"De-stuffing" is the unloading of goods out of a shipping container ("stuffing" is the loading of goods into a shipping container)
if you are asking thanks giving food then its stuffing
Dream Stuffing was created on 1984-01-06.
Dream Stuffing ended on 1984-03-09.
there is 2 syllabes in stuffing as you can see stuf.fing ____ ___ 2
Stove Top stuffing was created in 1972.
Stuffing is yucky, at least to me, you can try it too, and you might like it!