there are 3.1103476800001 grams in one tenth of an troy ounce. a troy ounce has 31.103476800001 grams a avoir ounce has 28.349523125 grams
The answer depends on one tenth of WHAT! One tenth of an ounce? of a cup? of a pound?
There are approximately 2.957 milliliters in one tenth of an ounce.
The current price for an ounce of gold is: $1,591.00 A tenth of an ounce of gold is: $159.10
one tenth
It depends how big the piece is: a gram, an ounce, a ton...
3.5 oz.
16 ounces = 1 pound 1 ounce = 1/16 pound = 0.0625 pound That's 0.625 of one tenth of a pound.
It is worth it's weight in gold. 1/10th of an ounce of gold (Jan 2010) is $132.
There are three different types of gold American Eagles coins. The one ounce coin costs fifty dollars. The quarter-ounce coin costs ten dollars, and the tenth-ounce coin costs five dollars.
3.7 oz.