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As a general rule I would cook it for 1 hr per 500gms for well done - 30mins per 500grms for rare.

You can also either cook it at the same temp the entire time (around 180C) or bump it up for the first 30 mins to 200c and then drop it down to 180c and do about 20 mins less all up. The varied temps browns the meat a little more. It's a choice thing though.

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16y ago
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12y ago

3 days on fruit leaves in the forest on your friends back while yelling the word more!

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13y ago

4 and a half hors if you want it to be perfeclty tender. coo ko mediuym heat for the best results

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16y ago

for two hours

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15y ago

About an hour at 200C/400F/Gas 6

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11y ago

time ook 6.1 pound roast

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9y ago

130 minutes... or 2 hrs 10 min.

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Q: What is cooking time for a 2kg roast chicken?
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No, 2kg is not the same as 1 pound. 2kg is approximately 4.4 pounds.

Where could one find instructions for cooking a pot roast?

Instructions for cooking a pot roast could be found in meat recipes cookbooks or online recipes catalog, one of the recipes is here: Ingredients are - 2kg of beef, 4 potatoes, one large carrot, ground black pepper, salt, half a head of garlic, a pair of tomatoes and sweet peppers are optional, your favorite spice is optional too. First, burn the sides of your meat, evenly, until lightly brown, then - chop vegetables and pack everything into your pot, cover and put it in the oven for 3-4 hours, depending on the size of meat chunks.

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No, 2kg is the same as 2,000g not 3g.

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2kg add 2009 = 2011

How much is 2kg 550g?

2kg 550g is equal to 2550 grams.

How heavy is 2kg?

2kg is equivalent to 4.41 pounds in the imperial system.

How long do you cook a 2kg chicken in a gas oven?

Depends on the temperature but 20 min per 500g at 180-200 would be fine