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Q: What is centralised and decentralised room service?
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centralised is a high degree of authority at the top of the hierarchy and decentralised is a high degree of delegated authority

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he led a decentralised government

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Difference between centralised and decentralised filing system -?

A centralised filing system has all of the organisations information together in one large filing system. A decentralised filing system is when each department or section of the organisation stores its own records. (

Does the Disney Corporation have centralised or decentralised authority?

well through my 30 years of research on disney I believe that it is centrilized.I also researched on puppies ,more border collies . I like space and chemistry.By Zara Ting Balway

Can internal forces move a system?

Yes,every firm is centralised/decentralised this comes when the japanese management is applied.

Where are stocks and bonds bought and sold?

2 ways. An Exchange (e.g. NYSE) which is a centralised market or Over-The-Counter (OTC) which is a decentralised market. Bonds usually trade OTC.

What is centralized arbitration?

In centralised arbitration, a single device decides which of the requesting devices gets access to a shared resource at a particular point in time. In distributed, or decentralised arbitration, the devices themselves decide.

What is the difference between centralised and decentralised purchasing?

the difference between centralized and decentralized purchasing system of organization is that in a centralized structure all the decision making and authority are focused on the top tier or management