Cutlery is a correct answer. An additional word would be silverware, but since almost no one uses silver silverware anymore, tableware is probably preferable.
Silverware, dinnerware, or supperware. Cutlery, Eating Utensils.
Knives, forks and spoons used for serving and eating food. Despite the name, does not need to be made of silver.
A group of knives,forks and spoons is not called cutlery as cutlery is a name exclusive to items that cut, so only knives are classed as cutlery. a more accurate term would probably be dining utensilsYou misunderstand the question. The asker did not mean "What is an amalgamation of knives, forks, and spoons called?" They were asking what it is called when they are merged into one, like a spork.
pillow face cups forks spoons
Beauty and the Beast.
Glass cups Forks Cups in general Spoons Bowls Checks
blacksmith. yup, it's still blacksmith.User:Sir_long_shanks23:58, 1 Mar 2009 (UTC)User:Sir_long_shanks23:58, 1 Mar 2009 (UTC)User:Sir_long_shanks23:58, 1 Mar 2009 (UTC)actually its a cutlerysmithKnifemaker or bladesmith depending on the method the knife is made although generally they are referred to simply as knifemakers.
Koutaliophobic people are afraid of spoons.
The name of the High School he goes to repetedly is Forks High School. Forks is names after the city it is in Forks. Forks and Pheniox are REAL cities.
Forks is named after the forks in the nearby Quillayute, Bogachiel, and Sol Duc rivers.
The Forks Supermarket is a Thriftway.
hi there eating utensils such as kinfe forks and spoons are also reffered to as cutlerey .Cutlerey is the name given to the objects we eat our food with.Utensils are more tools that help cooking and preparing foods.