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Q: What is a baseball cut filet mignon?
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What cut of the cow does filet mignon come from?

It comes from the spine. If you cut done the spine that is filet mignon.

What does mignon in filet mignon stand for?

Filet mignon is French for "cute fillet" or "dainty fillet" of steak. Strictly speaking, it is only a filet mignon if cut from the very top end of the tenderloin.

What Purchasing specificatons when ordering filet steaks?

If you want a Center cut Filet Mignon you should order an 1190B. If your wanting an end to end cut Filet Mignon you would order an 1190A.

What is the most expensive beef cut?

filet mignon

Which is correct petit filet mignon or petite filet mignon?

petit filet mignon

Is filet mignon the same as top sirloin?

No, filet mignon comes from the tenderloin part of the cow, known for being very tender. Top sirloin is from the sirloin area and is leaner and less tender compared to filet mignon.

What is Steak Diane?

Filet Mignon - a cooked cut of tenderloin.

What is the best beef cut?

Tenderloin aka Filet Mignon

How do you use filet mignon in a sentence?

The filet mignon was delicious. I enjoyed the filet mignon. My friend didn't like the filet mignon as he found it undercooked and underseasoned. Filet mignon is French for 'cute fillet' or 'dainty fillet.'

How can I learn how to cut filet mignon properly?

To learn how to cut filet mignon properly, you can follow these steps: Start by sharpening your knife to ensure clean cuts. Place the filet mignon on a cutting board and identify the direction of the grain. Use a smooth, steady motion to slice the filet mignon against the grain into desired portions. Practice and adjust your technique as needed to achieve consistent and even cuts.

Does filet mignon come from a calf?

No, filet mignon does not come from a calf. Filet mignon comes from the smaller portion of the tenderloin in a steer or heifer.

What is a good sentence with the word filet mignon in it?

I would like to have my filet mignon cooked medium well, please. Filet mignon is not on the breakfast menu...