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Many recipes which are considered healthier can be cooked in a cake pan. Good examples of this are eggless cakes or recipes which substitute ingredients with healthier alternatives.

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Q: What healthy recipes can be cooked with a cake pan?
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What does pancake really mean?

a cake cooked in a pan

How much cake batter in a 12x18 2 in pan?

You can use two cake recipes for that size pan.

What are some common recipes that require the use of a springform pan?

A spring form pan is used to make deserts such as Cheesecake and Tortes. It features a detachable side for easy removal of the cake, without the hassle of trying to remove it from a regular pan.

How do I cook a key lime cake?

My recipe requires the cake to be cooked in a bundt pan for 40 - 50 minutes. The best way to know when the cake is done is to insert a skewer into the middle of the cake and if it comes out clean the cake is ready.

Can a tube cake pan be used instead of a fluted cake pan?

Yes, usually a tube cake pan is a good substitution for a fluted (Bundt) cake pan.

What are cake pans?

Any pan in which a cake is baked is called a cake pan, or cake tin. In general, cake pans come in specific sizes that are used for specific recipes. Different types of cake pans include six, eight, nine or ten inch round pans, 9 x 13 inch rectangular pans, tube pans, loaf pans, and cupcake tins.

How can you make cupcakes?

Cupcakes are made with a plain or fancy cake recipe. What makes them cupcakes is the pan that they're baked in, called a cupcake (or muffin) pan. The only difference between cake and cupcakes is the size and shape of the cake and the difference in baking time (the smaller units bake faster than a full size cake). See the links below for some basic recipes.

What if receipe calls for round cake and all you have is tube pans can you use it?

Yes, a tube pan can be used instead of a round cake pan. However, you should test the cake carefully shortly before the baking time is completed. Depending on the recipe, the cake might bake more quickly because of the heat reaching it from the center of the pan. On the other hand, some recipes might require more time because of the greater volume of batter in a single pan. So it is difficult to predict without careful experimentation.

What if the cake doesn't come out of the pan?

You just need to cook it for longer. (I'm assuming "too small a pan" means the batter is deeper that it is meant to be). If the top starts to brown too much, foil the top of the pan and put it back in the oven until it's cooked.

What is the difference between baking in a silicone pop cake pan to in a metal pop cake pan?

Baking in a silicone pan makes it easier to take the cake out of it.

How much more batter is in a 10 inch round cake pan than an 8 inch round cake pan?

It depends on how deep the cake pan is.

How many cake boxes in a 9 in round cake pan?

It depends on how deep the pan is.