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well it starts with actually getting the cap on in time, but if you do, the chemical reaction will take place resulting in high pressure, atually stabalizing the 2 forces (the reacion and the force of the bottle) there for resulting in inaction, until you take the cap off then we all know what happens next. the reaction of the two cause an explosion.and then everyone better whatch out

by kiah 10
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Baking soda reacts with vinegar to create carbon dioxide. This build up of gas will cause the pressure in the bucket to increase. If this pressure becomes high enough it will force the lid from the bucket.

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Q: What happens when you mix baking soda and vinegar in a bottle with the top on?
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What happen to the baking soda and vinegar when mixed?

It fizzes; similar to what happens when you shake up a bottle of pop and open it!

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60ml of lemon juice, vinegar, pop and alcohol A balloon An empty soda bottle 30ml of water 1 teaspoon of baking soda (5 mL)

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Not much will happen if you mix baking soda with water. If you mix it with vinegar something will happen. Vinegar is more acidic.

What happens when you put vinegar and baking soda together?

it bubles and it explodes

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put vinegar and baking soda into a bottle, then put the cork in quickly, and the cork will go flying out along with a lot of fizz and bubbles

What will happen to a balloon when it is attached to the top of a bottle containing vinegar and baking soda?

When baking soda and vinegar are mixed,a chemical reaction occurs.A new substance is made.The new substance is carbon dioxide.

What happens when vinegar mixed with flour?

it turns into a doughy substance , but don't add baking soda and vinegar

What happens when washing soda and vinegar are combined?

Do you mean baking soda? If you do it kinda explodes, or bubbles over

How do you make a volcano with vinegar?

baking soda and vinegar put the baking soda in first

What are some projects using baking soda vinegar?

There are a variety of them, but these are most common. - Rocket Bottle - Volcano And the most simple to me would be: This is a very simple project, what you will need is a small water bottle, a balloon (with NO helium inside), vinegar, baking soda. Put vinegar into the water bottle. then take the empty balloon and place an even amount of baking soda into it. then carefully place the balloon (with the baking soda inside) atop of the water bottle, thus letting the baking soda and vinegar react when mixed, and creating carbon dioxide, which makes the balloon deflate. (in other words, making the balloon blow up in action.) its simple a pretty cool. hope this helps. Btw, I'm in fifth grade.

Chemical Reaction of Vinegar and Baking Soda?

Baking Soda and Vinegar combinedmake a fizzing reaction when the Acetic acid in the vinegar reacts with Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda).