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How long it will take for raw meat to spoil will depend upon the conditions in which it is stored and it's use by date. If the meat is left out at room temperature on a warm day, it will likely spoil in several hours but on a cool day, it could take 24 hours to spoil. Stored in a refrigerator, raw meat would take 3 to 4 days to spoil if it is still within its use by date.

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16y ago

it will spoil more readily in a sealed package. always loosen the wrap when bringing meat packages from the store. sealed packages breeds bacteria faster than loosely wrapped meat.

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Q: What happens to raw meat when you put salt on it and leave it in room temperature?
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Whatever the room temperature happens to be at the time. If the room is 75° then the salt would be the same temperature.

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Yes, you can.

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There are a number of bacteria that can grow on meat at room temperature, including Salmonella, E. coli, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus and Listeria.

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Whatever temperature the room happens to be.

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No, any kind of meat should never be allowed to come to room temperature. It's unneccessary and can be harmful. Thaw the meat in the fridge and leave it there until ready to use. Yes. If you take the steak out of the fridge some time before cooking so that it is at room temperature when you cook it, then it will be more tender.

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