The residual heat from being in the microwave keeps cooking whatever food your cooking.
The fact that foods are cooked in the microwave does not have any affect on humans. What foods you are eating will have an effect.
Probably nothing. Ants can survive after microwaved for several minutes
Some foods that can be microwaved are Ramon,milk popcornDumplings(I'm Chinese). It is suggested not to depend on the microwave for everyday cooking study show that after eating microwaved food haemoglobins level decreased and that just in 1 day!
It's dangerous don't do it ... I gave my little sister microwaved liquor and she almost died I had to leave her out side of an ER
Microwaved foods & sun beds
I microwave mine for 2 minutes.
What happens when you have your spoon in the microwave is it gets really hot and melts in the inside where you can't see it
The best way to safely microwave a hot water bottle is to heat the water in a separate microwave safe container in the microwave and then put the microwaved, hot water into the water bottle.
The temperature of microwaved water can vary, but typically reaches around 212°F (100°C), the boiling point of water. Boiled water will also reach a temperature of 212°F (100°C) if it is brought to a boil.
When solid food is microwaved for too long, it can become overheated and dry out, leading to a tough and unappetizing texture. In some cases, the food may even burn or catch fire. It's important to follow recommended cooking times and use a microwave-safe cover to prevent this from happening.
You die :P