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1. You will probably get sick and throw up.2. You will get fat.

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You are no longer hungry.

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Q: What happens if you eat a pie?
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What happens if you do not like pie?

Nothing HappensIf you don't like pie, you simply don't eat pie and nothing happens.

What happens when a pie is cooked?

you freakin eat it

What happens if earth rotation is stopped?

Type your answer here... you would eat pie and become rainbows

Does pie eat itself?

No, pie can not eat itself.

What happens to particles in a cup of tea?

they move around in the air with smells of the particle

Do mokeys eat bananas?

They do eat pie. They only eat banana pie.

What is a sentence with the words Will not?

I will not eat that last piece of pie; I will not eat that last piece of pie; I will not eat that last half piece of pie.

Why do Scientists eat pie?

scientists eat pie because they get hungry.

What did the English eat in the 1740's?

thay eat pie with snails in the pie

What is the worst pie to eat?

Humble pie.

How old do you have to be to eat a pie?

Whenever your teeth come in and you can eat food like a pie.

Why does joe always eat pie?

He always pie because his mommy makes him eat it