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Q: What grade of fruit is purchased for fresh fruit salad?
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What are fresh raw foods?

Sushi Fresh Fruit, Salad, Cheese.

Is fruit salad good for you?

Yes, especially if made with ripe, fresh fruit.

What is the function of sugar in fresh fruit salad?

To add to the sweetness

How many calories do a small fruit salad have?

There are about 70 calories in 1 cup of fresh fruit

How can a salad be creative?

By adding strange veggies and fruit dried or fresh!

How do you bake fruit salad?

Fruit salad is not normally baked but eaten raw with cream or ice cream. If you were to bake fresh fruit, you would be making a pie, a cobbler or, perhaps a compote.

Does a fruit salad need vegetables?

A fruit salad is a fruit salad. A vegetable salad is a vegetable salad. Otherwise it would be called a vegetable/fruit salad for which I am sure you could easily Google for a recipe. #LindaSpreeman

Is salad a fruit?

Salad is not a fruit. It is a variety of vegetables mixed together. Fruit salad, on the other hand, is a type of salad made of fruit.

Why was fruit salad created?

i think that fruit salad was created because everyone loves fruit and salad so why not put the two of them together and make a fruit salad :D

Which one of the following snack combinations will best satisfy a person's daily fluid requirement?

Fresh fruit, green salad, and water

Who likes fruit salad?

I believe that the Wiggles like fruit salad because of there popular kids song: FRUIT SALAD, YUMMY YUMMY.... FRUIT SALAD YUMMY YUMMY!!!!!! The song is just so insperational to listen to because it encourages me to go to my kitchen and make some.......... FRUIT SALAD, YUMMY YUMMY

Will lemon juice help tone down an over rippened watermelon in a fruit salad and should you also add mandarin oranges will that help to keep it fresh longer?

No. Lemon juice only make it loose the water fast and if you add mandarin and freeze it, the whole salad with be watery which will cause the fruit itself to be tasteless. Best thing to do is if you want your salad to have melons in it, prepare the rest of the salad and later before serving add on the melon last minute it will be fresh and retain its taste.