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Goraka good for Speicaly Fish Abulthiya

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Q: What goraka good for?
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What is the English name of goraka?


What is the English name for goraka?

The English name for goraka is Garcinia cambogia, commonly known as Malabar tamarind.

What is English name for goraka?

It's like a tamaring.

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Is there a spice to marinate fish called Goraka?

yes, goraka sold usually in an unattractive dried form and quite tough and dry, it can be ground at this stage or soaked and ground, and mixed with other herbs ( garlic, cumin, coriander, curry leaf and a good qty of ground black peppere. the spices and rubbed into mackerel or tuna, then marinaded over night and cooked covered over coals or in a slow oven for 4-5 hours. there should be no liquid left. this fish will keep in fridge for a few weeks as long as it is not set out for a long time. eaten as is or warmed and eaten. popular in sri is only recently that the health benefits have been promoted to loose weight, that has taken over the west.

What to say for Kachampuli in English?

Garcinia gummi-gutta (syn. G. cambogia, G. quaesita) is a subtropical species of Garcinia native to Indonesia also commonly known as gambooge',ಕಾಚುಪುಳಿUppage huli' (kannada/karnataka) brindleberry, brindall berry, Malabar tamarind, kodumpuli (Malayalam/Kerala), or goraka (Sinhala). The yellowish fruit is pumpkin-shaped.

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If its good for you, its good for me. What is good for one is good for another

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there are a lot of things that are good for children from good food to good excercise from good parents to good attention. good education to good living good environment to good friends. there are always good for children and that they can be benifited from it is also good.

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Yes I am but my Brother keeps bothering me and my kidney hurts. when I am good, I am very very good, but when I am bad I am horrid

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(Good) bye (Good) ness (Good) s (Good) y (Good) night (Good) ly (Good) will good-for-nothing good-natured good-looking good-hearted good-humored goody-goody

Correct useage of are not and is not?

Use "are not" when the subject is "you" or any plural. You are not good. We are not good. They are not good. Dogs are not good. John and Mary are not good. Use "is not" when the subject is singular, but is not "you" or "I." He is not good. She is not good. It is not good. John is not good. Mary is not good. Use "am not" when the subject is "I." I am not good.

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