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lemon juice

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Q: What else works with baking soda like vinegar?
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What is more reactive with vinegar baking soda or baking powder?

Yes, because it doesn't like black people. Vin-Niger.

What happends when you put baking powder and water together?

It bubbles up, like baking soda and vinegar

Baking power is acid?

No. Baking powDer is a base. Something like, oh say, vinegar would be an acid. Yep.

Is baking soda and vinegar the only chemical reactions with cooking ingredients?

something acidic can substitute for vinegar like lemon or orange

Is it possible to separate baking soda and vinegar as if baking soda and sand?

No, it is not possible to separate baking soda and vinegar as easily as separating baking soda and sand. This is because baking soda and vinegar undergo a chemical reaction when mixed, forming carbon dioxide gas and water. Sand and baking soda, on the other hand, are physically different substances that can be separated by methods like filtration or simply picking out the sand.

Can baking soda be used instead of baking powder in a cornbread recipe?

It can be, but only use about half as much baking soda as you would baking powder.Also, baking soda should be mixed with Cream of Tartar to help it work. 2 parts baking soda to 1 part cream of tartar works best. If you don't have cream of tartar, add a little vinegar or lemon juice (not more than 1-2 teaspoons of the juice or vinegar, though, so the taste of the cornbread doesn't change).Cream of tartar, vinegar and lemon juice add acid, which the baking soda reacts with to work best in baking. Baking Powder already has an acidic agent in it, which is why you don't have to add anything extra to that.If your recipe already has some kind of acid in it (which is possible - there are a lot of different cornbread recipes, and some call for acids like lemon juice or vinegar), then you just need to add the baking soda by itself.

Is soap vinegar and baking soda make a mixture?

The acetic acid that makes the vinegar sour reacts to the sodium bicarbonate and then creates carbonic acid then because the carbonic acid is heavier than air so the bubbles flows over like water instead of floating in the air

What makes vinegar blow up?

Vinegar can produce a gas called carbon dioxide when combined with certain substances, such as baking soda. This reaction creates bubbles and fizzing, but it does not cause vinegar to "blow up" like an explosion. Mixing vinegar with a strong base or a powerful oxidizer could potentially lead to a violent reaction, so it's important to handle vinegar and other household chemicals carefully.

What explodes with baking soda?

When baking soda comes into contact with an acid (such as vinegar or lemon juice), a chemical reaction occurs that produces carbon dioxide gas. This gas creates bubbles and foaming action, causing the explosion-like effect often seen in homemade volcanoes or baking recipes.

What reacts with baking soda besides vinegar?

anything that is an acid like lemon juice

What will happen if I insert the vinegar into baking powder?

It'll cause a chemical reaction. jdiesel121... this is true it will cause a chemical reaction but depending on the amount of vinegar you put in the powder is how the two react like if you put a little bit of vinegar in alot of powder then it wont do much but if you put alot of vinegar in alot of baking powder then it will be like putting a whole pack of mentos in a two leater of diet coke it goes every where.