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Chops or Muttonchops are like big sideburns. Cutting them is shaving them.

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Q: What does it mean to cut his chops?
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Related questions

Is pork chops a type of chicken?

Pork chops are a cut of pork, which comes from a pig. It is not chicken.

What does it mean to cut a paintball?

you probably mean chop, its when a paintball is not fully loaded in the breach of the marker before the bolt comes forward and chops it in half

How much will you spend if you buy 25 porkchops?

Depends on where you are and the size/cut of the pork chops. Here, bone in center cut chops are running around $2.50/lb. At 4 chops in a pack for roughly $6, it'd be about $37, give or take.

Where are veal chops cut from?

The part of the calf that veal chops come from is the hind quarter. Veal chops have a T shaped bone, a tenderloin and a large eye.

What does cheeky chops mean?

Fat cheeks. Chops means the jowls.

What is white on pork chops when cooking?

There is no such thing as 'white pork' is this is a term used, it may just mean a less fatty cut of meat.

What is the definition for the word chops?

To hew something with an axe, or a cut of meat.

What is the meaning of karmenaatjie?

Afrikaans for lamb chops or choice cut of meat.

What does bust your chops mean?

it means if someone says "i dont mean to bust your chops" it means i dont want to offend or embarass you...

What does busting everyones chops mean?

it is the same thing as bursting everyones chops so if you want the answer to this question type in what does bursting everyones chops means

What part of a pig is the pork chops?

pig is cut in two (from head to tail) then you cut down between the ribs through the backbone (trim of excess ribs till they look like the ones that you buy) the best chops are the 6 furthest from the head (remember it is now a half pig) the next 6 vertebrae on the way to the tail are called loin chops and in my opinion are the best of all chops.

How long to bake center cut pork chops?

Thin cut pork chops should be baked at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes or until the internal temperature is 145 degrees to ensure meat is fully cooked.