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BIG!....2.5 quarts is 5 pints.

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Q: What does a 2.5 quart baking dish look like?
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It has a big Baking Powder label on it

What does a quart look like?

a quart is 1/4 of a gallon so it would be half of a gallon of milk then a half of that half

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you can use baking powder it'll make it look shinier and cleaner and if your dish has an oils you can wash it with hot water ^^ my mom told me this! @@@@@@**

Is there a segmented cake pan available?

Yes, there are. Look in a few places, like grocery stores with baking section, baking stores, or online.

What do quart look like?

A Quarts looks clear and like a hunk of diamond. Quarts also comes in orange, purple, and a gray like color.

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To make a volcano model, you can use materials like baking soda, vinegar, water, dish soap, and clay or cardboard to build the volcano structure. Create a cavity at the top of the volcano model to pour a mixture of baking soda, vinegar, and water which will create a foamy eruption when combined. Add a few drops of dish soap to make the eruption bubbly.

Why do you clean pennies?

Dump them in a dish and cover with Coke. Rinse off after an hour and they look like new.

What does one quart look like?

2 pints 1 quart = 2 pints 1 pint = 0.5 pint

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If you are asking about the French dish, frog legs look like the chicken wings with two bones, but imagine the two bones were back-to-back instead of parallel.

When betta fish go to sleep what do they look like?

Betta dish actually don't sleep, or they'd die.

What should I look for when buying new commercial baking pans?

Look for a baking pan that will fit your oven. A baking pan needs to be ergonomic for easy turning and putting in/taking out. You might want to look for one that is dishwasher safe.

Do tanning creams ever look as good as a real tan?

Yes there are some tanning creams that do look like you have been baking in the sun all day.