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Q: What do you use a liquidiser for?
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What is a liquidiser in afrikaans?

versapper = juicer

How do you drink ice cream?

Make a milkshake by adding your ice cream to a glass of milk, stir until liquid or use a liquidiser, then enjoy!

How does a liquidiser work?

A liquidiser works by using sharp blades attached to a motor to blend and break down food into a smooth liquid consistency. When the motor is activated, the blades rotate quickly, chopping and mixing the ingredients together to create a uniform texture. The speed and power of the motor determine how finely the ingredients are blended.

Do you use technology in cooking?

Yes. A cooker is technology. Any appliance used in cooking is technology, like a mixer or a liquidiser or a microwave oven. Devices used in cooking are becoming more sophisticated, so the technology for cooking is improving, just like any area that technology is used in.

What can you use instead of a food processer?

Smoothies are best made in a liquidiser, a food processor can be used but your smoothie might not turn out so 'smooth'

When to use me and you or you and i?

If you would use 'I' in the singular, then use 'you and I'. If you would use 'me', then use 'you and me'.

Where is All of the imvu use codes?

they are mostly actions it has some moods CODES: *use 90-pacman *use 200-tresure chest *use 2001-banna *use 2044-cry *use 2050-oooh *use 2053-Puke *use 2061-Huh *use 2063-wassamatta *use 2064-yay *use 2066-Loser *use 2067-shocked *use2068-rocker *use 2072-Flip *use 2073-air guitar *use 2074-talk to the hand *use 2076-Burp *use 2078-Crazy *use 2082-bigyawn *use 2086-strong *use 2088-score *use 2090-wink *use 2091-HeadShake *use 2093-thums up *use 2097-Hmm *use 2098-candlestick *use 2103-old mood *use 2104-flirty mood *use 2105-bashful mood *use 2106-groovin mood *use 2107-peace *use 2108-fartarm *use 2109-terrifide mood *use 2110-tantrum

What do you use to work out equations on excel?

You use the formulas and functions.You use the formulas and functions.You use the formulas and functions.You use the formulas and functions.You use the formulas and functions.You use the formulas and functions.You use the formulas and functions.You use the formulas and functions.You use the formulas and functions.You use the formulas and functions.You use the formulas and functions.

What is the continuum of chemical use?

The continuum of chemical use refers to a spectrum ranging from no use to harmful or addictive use. It includes experimental use, recreational use, regular use, problematic use, and dependent use. Understanding this continuum can help in assessing, preventing, and treating substance use disorders.

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What might you use when you wash in the morning?

You might use a toothbrush. You might use soap. You might use a sponge. You might use a towel. You might use a facecloth. You might use a facewash. You might use water.

What bones do you use in baseball?

The bone you use is the ulna.