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Q: What did the Argentina people invent?
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aboriginal people invent the canoe at midday

What do people call people from Argentina?

If somebody is from Argentina, they are Argentines or Argentinians

Did Nazi people killed people in Argentina?

No, the Nazis did not control Argentina.

Why did the people invent it?

we all have to invent something for intertainment...

What do you call people from Argentina?

The people that are from Argentina are known as Argentinians. Argentina is a country that is located in South America.

If God invented people but people invented him how did he invent people?

People did not invent God. God has always been.

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swiss people did not invent the electric comb it was not any of the people in swiss they did invent watches and clocks.

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They didn't invent them they just saw me.

What holidays do people from Argentina celebrate?

people in Argentina celebrate Columbus and independence day

What might you want to invent?

Many many things people can invent.

What are Argentina's religion's?

Most people in Argentina are Roman Catholic.

Why did people invent things that hurt the environment?

selfish people prefer to invent things which doesn't hurt them.