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English is a West-Germanic language, and consequently has many words that are similar to modern German. The biggest impact on the English language was the Norman Conquest, when the French invaded England in 1066. This French occupation caused English to change drastically over the next few hundred years, and the language acquired much of French's Latin and Greek influences.

The English language is constantly expanding, containing borrowed words from all the other major languages. As a result, English is the largest language in the world.

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Q: What countries do some common English words originate from?
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What English words come from other countries?

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Both words originate from greek or latin words, as most english words do. Also, they originate from older slang terms from even back to the medival times.

Do all English words originate from Greek?

no, but very many do.

What are some words that originate from another country?

Words like "sushi" from Japan, "baguette" from France, "ballet" from Italy, and "kangaroo" from Australia are examples of words that originate from other countries.

How many words from English originate in latin?

If you mean originate as in directly, I'd say darn near 90%.

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i have tried translating these words into English using the google language interpretation programme , but with no success .where did these words originate from ?

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100% of the 100 most common English words come from the Anglo-Saxons.

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