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Bacteria. Specifically S.pyogenes. This bacteria is present in the environment, and loves to grow on the starch in potatoes and rice. Don't leave your potatoes out of the fridge uncovred for too long, and definitely do not eat potatoes that have been in the fridge for more than a week. i won't even eat refrigerated mashed potatoes after 3 days.

Other bacteria will also infest mashed potatoes if you put dairy in it, and the dairy will sour just as milk does after staying in the fridge for too long. No more than three days storage for potatoes with dairy. When you reheat do it in the oven or stove top. reheating potatoes in the microwave typically does not keep them hot enough for long enough to kill the bacteria.

The good news is majority of the "food poisoning" you would get from typical potato bacterias would only last 12-24 hours...

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Q: What could cause mashed potatoes to stink?
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