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Q: What compound word with a vowel sound like rope describes food made at home?
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Do spoon and food have the same vowel sound?

No, "spoon" and "food" do not have the same vowel sound. The vowel sound in "spoon" is the 'oo' sound (/uː/), while the vowel sound in "food" is the 'oo' sound (/uː/).

Does rude have a long vowel sound?

Yes. The word rude has a long OO vowel sound (OO) as in rule and room. It rhymes with food.

What words have the same vowel sound as scoop?

Words with the same vowel sound as "scoop" include loop, group, soup, and soon.

Is food long or short vowel sound?

Neither. The OO has a long OO sound, as in fool and mood.

How come love and move do not rhyme?

In English pronunciation, the vowel sounds in "love" (ʌ) and "move" (uː) are different. Specifically, "love" has the short vowel sound /ʌ/ as in "cup," while "move" has the long vowel sound /uː/ as in "food." Because the vowel sounds are not the same, these words do not rhyme.

Which would have the same vowel sound as room pick one word love food took hood?


Describes food made at home compound word?

It is then 'homemade'

What vowel sound does lose have?

The O in the word "lose" has a long OO (long U) sound, and a silent E.(The S makes a Z sound, so the pronunciation is "looz." The similar word that actually has two O's is loose, which is pronounced "loo-s.")

Does Book have a long or short vowel sound?

The OO pair in book has a short OO sound, as in good and foot.Almost all English speakers say 'book' with a short vowel (in fact a schwa).In some areas of northern England 'book' has a long vowel - its double 'o' is like the double 'o' in food. In these areas cook and look rhyme with book; suck and tuck rhyme with the standardpronounciation of book.

What does double vowel mean?

A double vowel refers to the occurrence of two vowels placed consecutively in a word or syllable. This can alter the pronunciation of the vowels and affect the overall sound of the word. Examples include "oo" in "food" and "ee" in "feel."

Do food and good rhyme?

good and food does NOT rhyme. why, we don't know but it does NOT rhyme. Of course we know why: The vowel sound of food (the oo) is pronounced longer than that of good. Note: "good" and "food" do not rhyme in American English, but they do in British English

What words have the same vowel sound as room?

The OO pair in room is a long U (long OO) sound, as in doom and bloom. This can also be made by O as in do and to (or in tomb), by U as in dune and flute, or by UE as in blue, clue, and sue.