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Blue. As bicarbonate is alkali

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Q: What colour pH paper will turn in baking soda?
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What is the colour of red litmus paper in baking soda?

Red litmus paper will turn blue in the presence of baking soda, which indicates that the solution is basic.

What color did the litmus paper turn when you test baking soda?

Litmus paper will turn blue when it comes into contact with a substance that is basic, such as baking soda.

What color will red litmus paper turn into when dipped in soda?

I think you meant baking soda. Baking soda is basic, so red litmus paper will turn blue.

What color does litmus paper turn with baking soda?

Litmus paper turns blue in the presence of a base like baking soda.

What color does baking soda turn litmus paper?

To a blue color.

What will happen if litmus paper is diped in baking soda?

If litmus paper is dipped in baking soda, it will turn blue. This is because baking soda is basic in nature and will cause the litmus paper to change color from red (indicating acidity) to blue (indicating basicity).

What color does blue litmus paper turn with baking soda?

Blue litmus paper will turn red when it comes into contact with an acidic substance like baking soda, indicating that the solution is acidic.

How would baking soda affect blue litmus paper?

Baking soda is a basic compound, so it would turn blue litmus paper red as it causes the paper to change color in the presence of a base.

What colour would the indicator be WITH baking soda?

The indicator with baking soda would likely turn blue or greenish-blue. Baking soda is basic, so it would cause the indicator to shift towards the blue end of the pH scale.

What color does a strip of litmus paper turn when it is dipped into baking soda?

The color become blue.

Add baking soda to recipe?

To replace for example 3 teaspoons of baking powder with baking soda, mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 2 teaspoons of cream of tartar.

Will baking soda turns blue litmus to red?

Yes, baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, is a weak alkaline compound that will turn blue litmus paper to red due to its ability to react with moisture and release hydroxide ions, making the solution basic.