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Orange is made from mixing red and yellow.

Pink is made from mixing red and white.

If you are trying to make something pink that is already orange, that may be difficult, depending on what it is you are mixing.

Try adding red and white - you may be able to get close to a pink color.

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16y ago
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12y ago


Actually red is a primary color therefore it can not be mixed. If you mix white with it

you get pink.

There is an old song I heard when I was a child that has served me well on colors:

All colors come it's true, from red, yellow, and blue

All colors that right except black and white.

Red and yellow make orange, yellow and blue make green, red and blue make purple

All three together make brown.

Better get a new song, because that one is now wrong.

Science has discovered the true set of primaries: magenta, yellow, and cyan. Together with white undercoat (for dark backgrounds), they can make any color, including black, just like all color computer printers do.

magenta + yellow = red

yellow + cyan = green

magenta + cyan = blue

magenta + yellow + cyan = black (and it really works)

Other colors:

orange = yellow + dilute magenta

purple = magenta + dilute cyan

pink = dilute magenta + dilute yellow

brown = yellow + dilute magenta + more diluted cyan

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7y ago

Pink color is made with the combination of red and white.

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12y ago

Yellow, or dark yellow if you want a regular orange (pink has white in it)

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10y ago

red blue green yellow. every colour except pink

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12y ago

mostly white and not to much red

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4y ago

Grey and facial pink

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