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The following list is probably more inclusive than some people would accept*:

Legumes, Leafy, Stems, Fruits (like squash), Roots and Tubers, Bulbs, Spices and Herbs, Cereals, Flowers and Buds (like broccoli), Fungus, Seaweed.

*My criterion for inclusion is: You don't need to chase it.

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Q: What class of veg is beans in?
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veg. that are not startch would include but are not limitated to ; green beans,peas,lettuce,

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Fresh fruit, fresh veg, beans, pleanty of water

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Anything healthy, really... fruit and veg, and eggs. soy beans to help them grow

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I've never had frozen beans but you best believe I fought for dem beans at Thanksgiving I'll have to try them frozen

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No, No, No, only feed them fresh veg and fruit. And the usual pellets and hay.

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Are pinto beans considered to be vegetable or meat?

Yes.Yes, pinto beans are one of New Mexico's state vegetables.

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How many cans of pork and beans feed 20 people?

Are they only eating beans or it a single veg as part of a dinner meal.How can we give a reasonable answer if you don't give us all the facts.