First, you must cut out the outer layer of the mother plant or rather the bark. Next, scrape of the colorless, sticky residue underneath the bark. Wrap the exposed part with damp sphagnum moss and wrap with a piece of plastic and tie it with some wire at the end.
For marcotting: Select a healthy branch and make a slanting cut in the bark. Apply rooting hormone to the cut area. Wrap the cut area with sphagnum moss and secure with plastic wrap. Keep the moss moist and wait for roots to develop before cutting and planting. For cuttings: Select a healthy stem cutting from a plant. Remove any leaves from the lower part of the cutting. Dip the cut end in rooting hormone. Plant the cutting in a soilless mix or potting soil, keep it moist, and wait for roots to develop.
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Advantages Hybrid breeding Hardiness Precocity Maintain consistency
why a woody dicot can be propagated by marcotting while a grass plant cant
cutting,layering and marcotting
Aba! malay ko ba!
A method when two plant part is attached to another plant.