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Q: What are the name of the meals served in MASH mess hall?
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What is the name of the place for military meals?

Mess Hall

What is the kitchen of a spaceship called?

The kitchen of a spaceship is typically called the galley. It is where food is prepared and meals are served to the crew.

What a military place for meals?

Mess Hall

Why is supplying military personnel with meals Known the Mess?

The Mess or Mess Hall is where military staff are served their food. This place is named after the word Mes, or "portion of food" from old French. It refers to the standardized portions soldiers were given in standard army-sized food platters, not unlike the one we know from the militaries of modern countries.

How does eating at the mess hall change the structure of family units?

Eating in a mess hall may change meals from being a family affair to include larger numbers of people. This changes mealtimes from being time for families to discuss family issues.

When was The Mess Hall created?

The Mess Hall was created in 2001.

What is the mess hall in a ship?

The mess hall is were sailors eat.

What is the name of the place where soldiers meals are prepared?

Mess tent or canteen, cafeteria. The term " Mess" hall or tent has been discouraged for some time now, in favor of "Dining hall " The latest term is DFAC (dining facility) pronounced Dee-Fak. You'll also hear "chow hall."

What does the term mish mash mean?

The term mish mash means a confused mess of something or a jumbled mess of something. It is a mixed up mess that would be confusing to try to figure out.

What is 5570 in simplest form?

55/70 = 11/14

What are the release dates for The Phil Silvers Show - 1955 The Mess Hall Mess 2-27?

The Phil Silvers Show - 1955 The Mess Hall Mess 2-27 was released on: USA: 9 April 1957

Where is the Pensacola Mess Hall in Pensacola Florida located?

The address of the Pensacola Mess Hall is: Po Box 847, Pensacola, FL 32591-0847