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He's a coward and a lier

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Q: What are some key characteristics of the character Oz from the Wizard of Oz?
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What the hell are you talking about

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The main four and key characteristics of poetry are the introduction, extra ordinary word, rhythm and maker and last the parallelism.

What key is the Black Sabbath song The Wizard in?

A "G" harmonica is used, so the song would be in a key of "D".

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What are key characteristics of Hinduism?

some of the key characteristics of Hinduism are Dharma (righteous living) Artha (material prosperity) Kāma (enjoyment) and Moksha (liberation). Compassion (dayā) Truthfulness (satyam) The Law of Cause and Effect (karma) Purity (shaucham) are also some of the main pillars.