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Q: What are bacteria called that can make their own food without using the Suns energy?
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What are bacteria that can produce their food without using the suns energy called?


What are bacteria the can produce their own food without using the suns energy called?


What are ways bacteria gain energy?

Bacteria can gain energy through processes like photosynthesis (using light to create energy), chemosynthesis (using inorganic compounds to create energy), and fermentation (breaking down organic compounds without oxygen). These processes allow bacteria to produce ATP, the cell's energy currency, to carry out essential functions.

What structures if present allow bacteria to move?

A bacteria moves using a structure called the flagellum, which resembles a tail.

What is it called when substances move past the membrane without using energy?

Passive transport is when substances move past the membrane without using any energy.

What is it called when substances move past the membrane without using any energy?

Passive transport is when substances move past the membrane without using any energy.

The process where energy is released from glucose without using oxygen is called what?

Without using oxygen the process is called an anaerobic process. The amount of energy is much less (2ATP) compared to aerobic (36 ATP).

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How is the sun an energy source?

The sun produces heat and light. Without both of these most things on Earth could not live. Sunlight helps our plants grow. Bacteria, Protozoa, ect. survive by using energy from using sunlight.

What is moving materials through a cell membrane without using energy is called?

Passive Transport

What is it called when a molecule moves a membrane through a protein channel without using energy?

passive transport

What is the process in wich cells obtain energy without using oxygen?

The process in which cells obtain energy without using oxygen is called anaerobic respiration. This process involves breaking down glucose into energy without the need for oxygen. One common example of anaerobic respiration is fermentation.