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To grow yeast requires:

  • PH level (acidity level ph7-ph1)
  • moisture
  • a temperature between 10 and 50ºC but ideally 30-37ºC
  • a food source such as sugar or flour.

1. Moisture- which is provided by milk or water

2. Warmth- on top of a oven or in a sunny place, which activates the yeast

3. Food- which is provided by sugar or flour

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oxygen, suger & air

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Q: What 3 things are needed for yeast to grow?
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What are 4 conditions that are needed for yeast to grow?

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Yeast must have three things in order to rise, moisture, food, and warmth.Ê These 3 things can alter the rising times for yeast.ÊÊ The amount of yeast also determines how fast your baked good will rise.Ê You can decrease your rise time by using rapid-rise yeast.

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