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The water is compacting the flour.

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Q: The water soaks into the flour but the level of flour does not rise why not?
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actually flour doesn't make the bread or whatever rise.. its the baking soda!! but bad flour is not good eather ...good luck!!!

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A flood comes before the rise of the water table. The rise of the water table is a gradual rising of the areas that are actually under water all year round. A flood is a sudden rise in the water level.

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You have a pan with 2 inches of water. what happens to the water level when you introduce 4 1 cubic inch ice cubes?

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yes, becuse when ice melts it becoms water.Answer:When ice is added to a glass of water the level will rise. After that, as the ice melts the level will decline. When water freezes it expands, so when it thaws back to a liquid it shrinks.