The words "beef" and "pork" originate from Old French. "Beef" comes from the Old French word "boef," while "pork" comes from the Old French word "porc."
The French word that is also the name of a highly seasoned link sausage of pork, pork liver and rice that is a typical element of Louisiana Creole cuisine is boudin.
The French equivalent of the English word "pork" is masculine, not feminine, in gender. The masculine singular noun porcmay be preceded by the masculine singular definite article le ("the"). The pronunciation will be "pohr" in French.
Graise d'roti
In French, "pork" is masculine and is translated as "porc."
The female of the pork (the sow) is called 'la truie' in French.
le porc = meat la clientélisme = pork barrel / govt. subsidies
pork is called 'porc' in French. The last letter is muted.
You don't say 'pork store', in french you say 'butcher shop' Translation: le boucher
The word pork is not in the Bible.
The German word for pork meat is "Schweinefleisch."
The word for pork in German is (das) Schweinefleisch.