Your question is worded kind of strangely, but I think you're asking what to use and how to make a compost bin. If you are asking how to make a compost bin using actual compost as the structure ("making a compost container with compost"), then I believe that would simply be making a pile of trash.
But to answer my first interpretation of your question, a compost bin can be made out of anything. It needs to have drainage so that any excess water can drain instead of forming a smelly pool at the bottom (though ideally compost should not be wet enough to produce drainage), and it needs access to oxygen, so if you are making a compost bin out of an old plastic trash can, knife several holes spread out over the sides so that it gets enough oxygen for the decomposition to be aerobic, because anaerobic decomposition is much slower and wastes more of the matter by converting it to the gases which create that unforgettable landfill stench.
You'll need to be able to mix and aerate the contents of the pile, at least if you want your compost done within a year, and you'll of course need to be able to water it and add things to it at least by the bucketful.
Get these requirements down, and you can make a compost bin out of almost anything. I produce about 40-50 pounds of compost every month using an old cat litter box with a few holes knifed in it. At that size it's an easy task to thoroughly aerate it every day, thus making it very efficient. I'm currently making another one out of the aforementioned example, an old trash can I found in the dumpster.
[1] Make sure that there are no weed seeds, meat or dairy products, or diseased plant parts. [2] Alternate layers of carbon [what's brown, and not alive and kicking] with layers of nitrogen [what's green]. A branch that has died, or leaves that have fallen to the ground, is considered carbon material. Grass clippings, or any yard waste that's still green, is considered nitrogen material. [3] Moisten each layer so it has the consistency of a wrung-out sponge. That means about 60% moisture content. It mustn't be soggy or sopping wet. [4] Mix from the outer edges, inwards. [5] Turn regularly. The more often the compostable material is turned, the sooner it's compost. Compostable material turned daily may be compost in 21 days. Otherwise, it may be as long as a year later.
Making compost isn't complicated, but it takes some time and a little bit of forethought. Generally you need a receptacle to contain the material you are composting, or you could just have a pile on the ground if you want.
You need to place a combination of "green" materials and "brown" materials and let nature do it's thing. Certain techniques, like rotating or tumbling and chopping material up in smaller pieces, can speed the process up somewhat, but that is the basic idea.
Building a pile through alternating layers of bulking agents and vegetable left-overs/remains is the way to make a vegetable compost.
Specifically, the pile averages final dimensions of 3 feet (0.92 feet) high by long by wide. It involves a layer of such bulking materials as wood chips or wood straw followed by half that amount in a layer of left-over, unused vegetables. The vegetables must not contain any dairy products, grease or oil. The layers will keep alternating until the desired dimensions of the pile are met, with it being preferable to begin and end the heap with a bulking layer.
One-third compost to two-thirds water is the procedure for making compost tea. The mixture in question must be stirred while steeping three or four days and before straining through such porous fabric as burlap or cheesecloth. The residue serves as soil amendment, fertilizer or mulch while the tea can be poured or sprayed onto plants.
Compost preparation refers to the making of manure from the organic matter.
Adding nutrients and altering the pH are reasons for adding fertilizer and limestone to a compost pile. But if proper procedure is being followed under appropriate conditions, the compost pile needs no such supplements.
they used for making compost etc.............
Turning out dark brown, rich organic matter through the breakdown of appropriate materials by appropriate levels of air, heat and moisture is what 'making compost' means. The process is called composting. The pertinent materials to be composted are called compostable materials. The end result is called compost.
Leaves are recycled into fuel by making compost out of them. Dead leaves are piled up and allowed to decay, which turns into compost due to a chemical reaction from the sun's rays, mold, and the leaves. The compost has nutrients for the garden.
Compostable materials are what goes into the compost pile, for making compost. They include kitchen scraps, but not dairy and meat products. Compost is the final product of composting. It is coffee-brown soil that is rich in organic material. Therefore, any animal that eats kitchen scraps, or eats dirt, may eat compostable material or compost.
compost bins help us by taking certain live trash and making it a nutrient rich fertilizer for our gardens . it is the complete cycle of a vegetable.
This procedure is called a experiment.
what is the procedure for setting up cotbed
because they need it to be smaller so they can chew it
It leaves off perfume as a thanks of making it wet.