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Where to get owners manual for Ultrex Convection Oven Model 14026
we have a copy of one, (800) 789-2101
Instruction manuals can often be found online. If not, contact a local distributor of this product and request a manual.
Convection currents in the mantle drag the plates like a conveyor belt.
Download the Decosonic Oven Convection Manual at:
Is the co-100 convection oven supposed to have a rack n it
The model is obsolete, however we have a good supply of parts for that model.
Parts for the model 1892 are tough to come by, especially if they are mag tube parts. Some parts for model 1892's can be found at Wisners Gun Parts. They have an internet site at:
Numrich Arms has a great supply of parts for the Glenfield Model 10.
Basically a Marlin Model 80. We have a large supply of parts for that model.
We have parts for that model.
I have parts for that model.