The grease in sheep's wool is called lanolin. It is a natural wax produced by sheep to protect their wool and skin from the elements. Lanolin is commonly used in cosmetics and skincare products for its moisturizing properties.
The dried pespiration of the sheep is called LANOLIN.
NO I personally think it is! Because we were playing a game and that question came up and the answer was that it is made with sheep wool! Yes, Natural Sheep's Wool has a lanolin grease that comes off of it when the wool is scoured and cleaned at the correct temperatures. This grease accounts for 50% of the weight before scouring. The grease is sold to the cosmetics industry and that includes lipstick as a natural base for these products.
no... what kind of a name is sheep! do you want him or her to be made fun of at school? no sheep is not at all a common name!
Yes, The movie's name is Grease!
Sheep is the generic term for the animal. They may also be called lamb, lambkin, and cosset. An ewe and dam is the female sheep and the ram or buck is the name if male sheep.
The other name for hairless sheep is "naked sheep" or "bare sheep." These sheep are specifically bred to have little to no wool on their bodies.
Grease Grease
Another name for a sheep pen is a sheepfold or a sheep corral.
Just a sheep.
Ari =sheep