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5 commonly used items that were originally designed for use in space are such things as:

Cordless Tools

Portable and self-contained power tools. Originally developed for astronauts on the Apollo missions to allow them to drill for moon samples. This technology has lead to development of such tools as the cordless vacuum cleaners and power drills

Smoke Detectors

First used in the Earth orbiting space station called Skylab. It help detect any toxic vapors. Now in common use in most homes and business.

Medical Imaging

NASA developed ways to process signals from spacecraft to produce clearer images. This technology also makes it possible to take photo like images of our insides.

TV Satellite Dish

NASA developed ways to correct errors in the signals coming from there spacecraft. This technology is used to reduce interference in TV signals coming from satellites.

Digital Thermometer

Instead of measuring temperature using a column of Mercury, digital thermometers have a lens that detects infrared energy, which we feel as heat. The warmer something is the more infrared energy it puts out. This technology was originally developed to detect the birth of stars.

Also GPS was invented

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Q: Name 5 things you use every day that were developed by your for space technology?
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